What Makes a Successful Direct Mail Campaign?

We live in a digital world where we are surrounded by technology and gadgets. However, even in the digitalized world of today, direct mail hasn’t become an obsolete relic. Rather, making a direct mail campaign part of your marketing strategy can pay off positively.

To boost your market response rate, you have to engage with prospective customers via multiple channels and platforms. When used as part of a well-executed marketing strategy, direct mail is a sure path to success.

Running a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

To ensure a positive response from the recipients, you have to put in some effort into creating a versatile and creative piece of mail. So, what are the things that can make your direct mail piece effective and stand-out from the marketing plans of your competitors? 

Let’s see!

Optimize Your Mailing List

Building quality mailing lists is the best way to go about creating an effective marketing strategy. No matter how useful your content is, or how valuable your offers are if you don’t have the ability to promote them in front of the right people, they will be useless.

The first step is to put quality over quantity. Look at your current customers and check if you have their mailing addresses, email addresses, and assemble direct mail lists out of them. Once you are done, take a look and see if are any logical segments such as gender, order frequency, industry, etc. stand out that you can turn to your advantage. 

Segmenting your direct mail list will help in making the direct mail pieces meaningful which will drive sales. Even if you have a direct mail list, it is a good idea to keep increasing it continually. Add a ‘Join Our Mailing List’ button to your website, offer them sample kits or free catalogs, etc. to grow your list.

Moreover, you have to keep the data fresh. Any type of marketing is the most effective when it targets the right audience. For instance, if you are providing lawn moving services as a lawn care company, it would not increase your chance of doing business if you send out discount coupons to the residents of an apartment building.

For maximum return on investment, delivery timing, physical location, demographic, postage rates, and a few other variables are aspects that you have to keep an eye on.

Personalize According to the Customer

Who doesn’t like feeling special? If you take an individualized approach with your direct mailers, they will create that feeling for the people you send them out to. Instead of seeing the mailers as junk, they will feel acknowledged and understood.

Start by adding the recipient’s name and then go from there. Find a way you can connect with them and then personalize your product or service accordingly. What is helpful here is to break down the target prospects into smaller niches and then tailoring your services for each person.

Not only will your content resonate with the audience, but will also generate sales down the road. For example, if you are a pediatrician, you should send out your mailers to parents with children instead of bachelors living in studio apartments. 

You must take out the time to learn your audience and prospects first and then send out your mailers to achieve the best possible results.

Create an Engaging Call to Action Message

The goal of sending out mailers is the same as marketing via any other channel. You want to convince the target market that using your services and products will improve their lives. This is where an effectively designed call-to-action comes into play. 

It is the glue that will hold your entire successful direct mail campaign together. A compelling call-to-action will spur the target audience into action. Make the CTAs clear, powerful, and concise. Repeat it multiple times throughout the mailer. 

This repetition shouldn’t be annoying – rather, it should act like something they will remember long after they are done reading the mailer. Using postscripts and sidebars is a great way of delivering CTAs effectively. 

Tie back the call-to-action with the core message of your brand and see it work the magic!

Make the Direct Mail Campaign Creative

Once you know your audience, you have to turn the heat up with a perfect design. Whether you create brochures, flyers, or cards, make sure to let the creative juices flow and grab the attention of the recipient. 

The ultimate goal of your mailer is to bring positive attention to your products and services. Make sure that the mailer excites them and they don’t discard it as junk not worthy of their time and attention. 

Add images, bullets, and headings with CTAs that will keep the audience hooked. Not only do you have to consider things such as graphics, colors, fonts, etc. but you also have to use the white space carefully.

Using white space effectively will bring attention to the essential parts of the mailer while keeping it from being cluttered or overcrowded. An important tip is to step back and put yourself in the shoes of the potential customer while designing the brochures, cards, or flyers. 

Are you fascinated by the design? Is it approachable and looks trustworthy? Is CTA effective? Run the mailers by your friends and family and take their opinion. Then make the changes in your design accordingly. Remember, the only value-added promotion will help the mailer land perfectly!

Integrate with Other Marketing Strategies

How would you feel if you are stranded alone on a desert island? Wouldn’t it be nice to have some help from other individuals? Similarly, you don’t have to use your direct mail marketing campaigns as stand-alone direct marketing campaigns.

Integrate direct mail marketing with other marketing channels and you will increase their effectiveness manifold. For instance, if you are sending out coupon codes, make sure to announce them on your social media platforms. 

Build the synergy of your brand by using the same graphics, images, etc. that in both digital marketing strategy and physical marketing strategy. Align the direct mail marketing campaigns with social media marketing, online ads, emails, to get a successful campaign on your hands.

Consistency is the key here, folks!

A Successful Direct Mail Campaign – Final Thoughts

Direct mail isn’t a replacement for email marketing. Rather, these two have to go hand in hand in to give you an effective direct mail marketing strategy. Direct mail is not only tangible, but it is personal as well. 

It creates brand awareness and builds customer trust and loyalty. A versatile, cost-effective direct mail marketing strategy complements other marketing strategies and makes them more effective. Use the tips that we have mentioned above to get your hands on a successful direct mail campaign!

Ray Firnbach

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