
Brand Intimacy: How to Emotionally Connect With Your Customers Through Your Brand

Branding is something that most marketers will ask a graphic designer to do, but branding can be a little more than what meets the eye. A good brand is an emotional connection between the consumer and the product. Here we look at how a marketer can connect with the consumer on an emotional level with brand intimacy.

The Importance of Brand Intimacy

When we talk about branding, we talk about how to connect with our customers emotionally.

To let them know they can trust us and that we are genuine and honest. Let them know that they are different from us. To let them know that we are all equal. Let them know that we care. To let them know that we are not all about the money. To let them know that we are different.

But what does all of this really mean? And why does it matter? Your brand is who you are. It’s your voice and your face. It’s what you stand for and who you are as a company. Brand intimacy is the ability to know, understand and love your customers like they are family like they are a part of your own life. It’s how you, as a marketer, can understand them on a deep level and connect with them on an emotional level.

Strong brand intimacy is what keeps your audience coming back for more. It’s the feeling of loyalty you get to a brand because you feel like it’s part of you.

How To Connect Emotionally Through Your Brand

It’s all about emotions. Just take a look at any of your favorite companies — Apple, Coca-Cola, Disney, etc. — and notice how many emotions you feel when you think about them. Their brand is so strong that it has connected with you on an emotional level. And that is the ultimate goal of branding. Whether you’re a new business or an existing company, you want your brand to be memorable for the right reasons.

Brands are defined by a set of values that give customers an idea of the kind of experience they can expect. For example, when you think of Apple, you think of innovative products that are simple to use. You think of an experience that gives you the best features and quality for the best price. Sure, you may not have the newest smartphone, but your phone works really well for what you need it for. The way you feel about Apple is a direct result of the way Apple presents itself to the public. Apple’s marketing and branding are what shapes your perception of its products.

Choose Emotions

When creating your brand think about what emotions you are conveying. If you wish to increase brand loyalty then you should try to invoke positive emotions in your customers. Here is a list of emotions your customers will respond positively to:


Implement More Customer-Centric Policies

These policies focus on improving the customer experience and having customers like your company more. A great policy to implement is one that allows customers to try out your product for free. This provides customers with a risk-free alternative and allows them to decide if your product is for them. Another way is to provide a refund to customers, if they aren’t satisfied with your service. This protects the customer and shows them, you respect their time and money.

Reward Your Customers For Their Loyalty

Loyal customers are the backbone of a successful business. Customers get rewarded for their loyalty to the brand. Loyalty programs benefit the consumer, the business and the economy as a whole. Customers are rewarded for their loyalty with discounts, benefits, and special privileges.

Customers become repeat customers because they feel appreciated and are encouraged to spend more money. Brand loyalty programs help smaller businesses compete with big brands.

Brand Intimacy FAQ’s

What is the importance of consistency in branding?

Well, consistency is a key thing in branding. It’s the most important thing actually. This is because people know and recognize consistent elements, and associate them with a branding. And they know they can trust those elements. But when they see inconsistent elements, they feel unsure and disturbed.

This can hurt the branding and the trust. And it’s a lost chance to grab customer’s attention. For example, Facebook’s logo is always blue. And the logo will be blue no matter how long time you stare at it. There’s no inconsistency in Facebook’s logo. Same is true for Google. Its elements are always consistent.

What are some common mistakes businesses make that hinder their ability to develop brand intimacy?

The biggest mistake a business can make is to assume that just because they have a page on Facebook, or an Instagram account, or a Twitter handle, that customers will automatically flock to them. Without additional effort to build the brand, a business risks falling into a generic pack.

Another mistakes businesses often make is coming off as a boring corporate entity by not sharing the insights of their team and the struggles and joys of running the business. They seem to be too detached and that’s not where brand intimacy lies. Brand intimacy lies in the ability to share the human side of a company.

How does having a high level of brand intimacy with customers help small businesses?

Businesses with high level of brand intimacy with customers are able to create a more meaningful and memorable relationship with potential customers. According to a study by the Association of American Advertising Agencies, 64% of consumers say they are more loyal to brands with high brand intimacy.

The benefits of high brand intimacy are that customers are more likely to develop positive associations with brands, and be willing to share positive brand experiences with family and friends.

Closing With Brand Intimacy

As we went over, brand intimacy is the idea that a brand can create an emotional attachment with their customers. This can be done through brand loyalty, through creating a narrative around the brand, or both. While it may seem like a difficult task, using these brand intimacy strategies can help you to increase brand loyalty and create a story around your brand that people will love to be a part of.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article!

Ray Firnbach

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